
Black and White Cookies

I am channeling my inner Mrs. Maisel on this one 

I know, I know, there are plenty of references to the New York staple, but Mrs. Maisel happens to be my favourite.  If you are not watching, you should be! Yea Amazon Prime! (Especially now that we are all social distancing. If you haven’t watched it yet, you need to start. Immediately!!!!!)

I am kinda psyched about this bake; these look really good and not too difficult with all ingredients in my pantry. 

So far, so good.  This cookie dough is more like a stiff cake dough rather than cookie dough 

I use my ice scoop/cookie dough scoop for the dough and I get 21 rather than the 18 Martha suggests. 

I have to say Martha is not one for using the leftovers.  I understand wanting to have an adequate amount, but sometimes it just seems excessive 

Hopefully the icing recipe follows suit and I have enough 

These really puffed up…like a lot, they look like domes 

Some cookie recipes tell you to press down with the back of a spatula to flatten a cookie, this one didn’t.  I was hoping they would settle down while cooling.  They did a bit, but not enough to consider them a flat cookie. 

I am not confident on this one 

Ok icing time 

I haven’t used corn syrup in a long time, but this recipe calls for it, I think to give it some shine  

Martha does not give you the right amount of water for this icing 

The book says to start with 1 tablespoon and I ended up using five.  Four I think is the magic number as the white was a little runny and the black is a little thick and pasty. 

Ok, I am over these cookies, well at least frosting them. 

These are a pain in the ass, pardon me. 

Because they are still rounded, they do not lay flat and some were a little drippy, there is also a lot of extra frosting and I had made extra cookies 

They taste pretty good, nice cake-y texture and the icing is not too sweet 

I don’t know, I am just not into them, not sure they are worth the effort – didn’t stop me from eating a bunch 

The lack of a flatter bottom is a sticking point for me 

The kids had them in their lunch and thought they were amazing 

Hubby said they were ok 


Chocolate Cream Pie

March 15, 2020