Simple Baked Goods

Currant Scones

Another day, another scone recipe. 

There really are a tonne of scone and biscuit recipes in this book. 

The nice thing is it makes for a generally quick and easy bake. 

Basic ingredients and simple instructions 

Whisk dry, cut in the fat, add the wet 

It all came together nicely, even when cutting in the butter 

This recipe calls for 2 cups of heavy (whipping) cream and more if needed. 

I did need more as the mixture was quite dry as I was turning it out  

These scones are really thick, and were a little bit crumbly when I was cutting the triangles and putting on the tray.  I also have a large enough tray so I can bake as one batch rather than two, splitting the oven. 

This recipe has a freeze time of two hours or overnight 

It’s not terrible, maybe I will have a go at another recipe, while I wait

I am pleased with how the triangles have shaped, so that is promising 

After two hours I am ready to bake 

I have egg washed them and put them in the oven 

These have a great golden colour to them and they smell really good 

These scones were a little dry and seem more like a tea biscuit rather than a scone 

They are not very sweet, but had a nice cakey centre.  They definitely get there flavour from the currants 

Not bad, but nothing to write home about 

Hubby took the extras to work and they were gone in no time!



March 27, 2020