Simple Baked Goods

Cream Cheese and Chive Biscuits

Cream cheese 

Say it with me 

Cream cheese.  I am a lover of cream cheese. 

Cheesecake is one of my faves and adding it to cookies always makes them better 

Find a brownie that incorporates cream cheese and I am done. 

We don’t keep bagels in the house because I will just eat all the cream cheese 

Actually, I put a bagel with my cream cheese 

So, finding these was a real treat 

I was a little light on chives but I am going to make it work. 

Another biscuit recipe is ok by me, I am actually tag teaming this recipe with another this afternoon as they are light on the prep time 

I use all the chives I have and it is not quite ¼ cup, but c’est la vie.   

It is a simple process again: whisk the dry, cut in the butter and cream cheese – Yay! – and add the butter milk.   

Cutting in the butter and cream cheese was not as easy as I thought, the consistency of the cream cheese required a little more elbow grease, but came out fine  

This is a very sticky dough as I turn it out, it is coming together just fine but, needed more than a light dusting of flour 

Rolling this out is a little tricky as the dough is still tacky and grips to the rolling pin. 

I use the bench scraper as Martha suggests when turning this out and it helps tremendously 

After the turns and folds I have popped it into the fridge to chill for 30 minutes then I will do it again. 

I have now completed the second turn and have trimmed the ¼ inch off the edge as per Martha’s instructions  

After cutting them in to 12, I put them back in the fridge to chill before I bake them 

These are a quick bake at high temperature…they don’t look done so I add a few more minutes…they smell good though 

They look pretty 

Ok, so these don’t look like the ones in the book.  Martha’s have a layered flakiness to them and mine just look puffy and soft 

I think these are more like buns than layered biscuits 

Well they taste really good, there is just something about cream cheese that makes things taste better!   

Everyone really enjoyed them  

Based on flavour, I would make these again.  But I also want to attempt again to get the texture right 

Definitely Bakeable! 

Classic Crumb Cake

March 30, 2020

Honey Whole Wheat Bread

April 7, 2020