Simple Baked Goods

Cherry-Streusel Coffee Cake

So, this was supposed to be and quick and simple reprieve to my somewhat disastrous Pear Spice Cake.

Let’s just say best laid plans

First, I am substituting blueberries for the sour cherries. 

We are in quarantine/stay-at-home orders and extra trip out (to Walmart especially), is not really in the cards and I have blueberries at home and I have some Streusel left over from the crumb cake a while back that I am going to use

So here we go

I am feeling rather defeated from the Pear Spice Cake and want a quick win.  This recipe looks easy enough and it is in the “Simple Baked Goods’ chapter so what could go wrong

You will notice that there are not that many photos, as I was getting cocky and just wanted to get it done.

I creamed the butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla, then added the flour alternating with the sour cream (or in my case, Greek yogurt).

It all came together fine, and I put half the mixture in the pan, added the blueberries, then added the remaining mixture and topped it off with the streusel – which was a little on the clumpy side but we are going with it.

At this point, the texture if the batter is consistent with other coffee cakes I have made before.

I put it in the oven and bake

It smells pretty good

It baked up nice, but the trouble begins with me trying to get it out of the pan, when I turned it over, it fell apart


Then when I cut into it, the streusel had sunken into the middle and did not stay on the top and the blueberries sunk as well

I was not going to waste any good icing sugar on a glaze for this so we tried it as is.  It was fine. It didn’t look like the photo in the book, it tasted like coffee cake (and I have better recipes that I have made,that I will stick too)

Nothing to write home about

Meh, Bakeable. (She said, defeated)

Spicy Cheese Biscuits

August 13, 2021

Sugar Buns

August 25, 2021