Simple Baked Goods

Cornmeal Drop Biscuits

March 1, 2019

Thank God February is over!

Living in Ontario we expect the seasons and weather, but Lord help me with this winter.

In the past 5 weeks our kids have had 6 snow days or bus cancellations, plus an extra home day when the polar vortex hit, and my van would not start due to the frigid temperatures.

It has been challenging to say the least.

They have not had a 5-day school week since January 14

Today is a scheduled PA day so the kids are at home – AGAIN – and I needed to get in at least one bake today, so I was looking for something simple.

My husband fell in love with the cornbread at Disneyworld.  We even bought a mix to bring home.  I am not as in love with it as he is, it tends to be too heavy and dense for me. 

So, with the short ingredients list, quick bake time and minimal labour, these Cornmeal Drop Biscuits looked to do the trick.

And they delivered on all fronts!

The most challenging part was cutting the butter with the pastry blender. 

The only ingredient that wasn’t standard in my pantry was the cornmeal.  I will keep it on hand going forward. 

I had some help mixing ingredients from my middle kid and 20 minutes later they were done.

They are light and tender. The sugar gives it the just a hint of sweet.  They will be great with chili and easy enough to make the night of.

Winner again Martha!

Totally Bakeable!

Chocolate Brownie Cookies

March 20, 2019

Shortbread Fingers

March 26, 2019