Simple Baked Goods

Baking Powder Biscuits

April 8 2019

I have never made biscuits before.  Unless you count smacking the Pillsbury can on the counter and baking those bad boys.

These are the very first recipe in the book.

It was not an intimidating recipe.  I mixed the dry ingredients and cut in the butter.  I use my hands as the pastry cutter only really gets you so far.

I added the cream – and it was not sticky, and even dry in some places so I added a splash more.

When I turned it out, it was still really crumbly.

This recipe asks for a 2 ¼ inch biscuit cutter.  I don’t have a biscuit cutter of any size.

I have plenty of cookie cutters, I did however find a good substitute.

My brother gave me these cookie press/imprint/cutters that come in a ring storage thing (See the photo).

I was going to use those, but they are 3 inch diameter…too big so I went looking and low and behold a stemless wine glass has a perfect 2 ¼ inch diameter, so I improvised.

Not sure how these are supposed to look, but they look small.

The recipe says this will make 1 dozen, but I got two, not sure if that is good or bad.

I really want to see Martha’s baking sheets before they go into the oven. 

I am to ‘generously brush the tops of biscuits with heavy cream’…look at how messy that is.  I mean really does everyone else make this much of a mess when ‘generously brushing on heavy cream’.

Seriously, how do you keep that tidy?

They baked easily and smelled delicious.

The cream didn’t burn too badly and was not hard to clean, but a pain nonetheless.

These biscuits were so good, I tried one while it was still warm.

It was flaky and tender and buttery…like so much butter, these can’t be good for you.  You know the best kind of buttery taste!   

They went over well, my oldest learned real quick to put jam on them.

He liked them the most – they were really good!


Lemon Madeleines

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Chocolate Scones

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