Simple Baked Goods

Banana Nut Bread

April 17 2019

I have some overripe bananas and am looking for a quick bake, so this should do the trick.

The recipe calls for walnuts, and I don’t have any, so I am omitting it.

This makes 2 loaves – so thank goodness I have more than one pan!

The only difference between this recipe and my own is that there is shredded coconut in it and the banana quantity is 3 for 2 loaves instead of 3 bananas for one loaf.

Mix the wet, mix the dry.

Combine and bake for about an hour.

The results were great.

Hubby really liked it, the flavor was good, he liked that is wasn’t too banana-y

Two of the three kids liked it.  Middle kid didn’t like the coconut.

If you don’t have a go-to banana bread recipe, or are looking for a new one to try, this will do the trick.

While I will still use my own recipe, this one is definitely Bakeable!


May 14, 2019