Simple Baked Goods

Fudgy Chocolate Brownies

May 1 2019

It is a brownie kinda day.

It has been cold and rainy here for the last few days and it should be at least sunny.

Brownies are one of my faves, and the Brownie cookies I made earlier were amazing.

In that post I mentioned my love for the Ghirardelli brownie mix from Costco.  They are sooooo easy and sooo good, I usually have them on hand for anytime I want to eat my feelings!

I am a little skeptical that any other recipe will have the same outcome with such little effort.

These look pretty simple and only have 7 ingredients

Bittersweet chocolate seems impossible to find…because now I guess it goes by “dark” chocolate. It has to do with the sugar content – seriously who was in charge of that re-brand?

Does that make brownies good for you now too because they are made with dark chocolate??? And more expensive??? I digress

Melting chocolate on the stove is simple enough and now I am just waiting for it to cool.

Not having a ton of bittersweet chocolate, I looked for a substitute, I found semi-sweet will do the trick and I have lots of those in chip form

I added the sugar, then the eggs and vanilla and finally folded in the flour. It all came together nicely and smelled so good.

Not gonna lie – I licked the spoon – it was worth it

I poured the batter into the pan and set it to bake.

As we have discussed, I have a problem with waiting – not known for my patience.

I was supposed to wait for the brownies to cool before I removed them from the pan

Well, I didn’t and the top got kind of messed up –

It looks like an angry face yelling at me! “You should have waited!!!”

Good news they still taste Amazing!!!!!

These were not difficult to make I watched an episode of Sarah off the Grid 2 while I made them.  Pretty quick and easy

The verdict was split on if they were better than Ghirardelli.

I think they are right on par (maybe because it was a labour of love)

Hubby says Ghirardelli are better

It is really hard to argue against a 3 minute prep, just add eggs and oil mix.

But I will say if I don’t have those mixes on hand these are remarkable and worth the little extra effort!

Undoubtedly Bakeable

Pumpkin Pie

May 24, 2019