
Bread day! I have said it before and I will say it again – I LOVE BREAD! I have passed this love […]

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Currant Scones

Another day, another scone recipe.  There really are a tonne of scone and biscuit recipes in this book.  The nice thing is it makes […]

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Cheesecake Thumbprint Cookies

Who doesn’t like cheesecake?  I love cheesecake, so these are a no brainer for me  Side note:  I didn’t have sour cream […]

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Black and White Cookies

I am channeling my inner Mrs. Maisel on this one  I know, I know, there are plenty of references to the New York staple, […]

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Chocolate Cream Pie

It is Pi Day, March 14th  3.141592653589793238……  Thanks to my oldest son who knows more digits of pi than I.  I am trying to get […]

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Olive-Oil Bread

It’s another bread day  I really like making my own bread, there is something better about homemade bread  I like the Martha’s description […]

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Yellow Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting

“A party without cake is just a meeting” – Julia Child  Truer words have never been spoken  I am a fan of cake – […]

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Oat and Dried Apricot Scones

(Substitute Golden Raisins)  Have a helper with me today, it looks seemingly easy.  I don’t have apricots but I do have golden […]

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Lime-Glazed Cookies

I am a big fan of lime  Key Lime Pie, wedge of lime in my drinks, lime with cilantro is salsas and […]

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We are having a BBQ and serving ribs so it is only fitting to make cornbread.  I am not a fan of […]

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