Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes
I am trying something new with this bake
The kids are going to make it
I am just going to photograph, they will do the rest
It will either be an amazing family experience or a complete utter catastrophe!
Let’s go! Gulp!
Well it is going ok
There is a little bit of fighting as to who is getting to do what, and I have to pour some ingredients out for them because I am not a total lunatic
It is pretty basic combine dry, combine wet and mix together then put them in the muffin tins
That is why I picked this one…pretty hard to screw up, even for the boys
There appears to be a lot of batter…
Ok so we are at the scooping and #2 and #3 have tapped out…watching Back to the Future III on tv. It is ok, they can’t scoop the batter anyways
So far not a total disaster They are in the oven and baking
After they cool, we will make the frosting – Lord help me they made an enormous mess!
We waited overnight to frost the cupcakes. I lined up all the ingredients for the kids and let them do the mixing.
There is a lot of frosting here, more than we need…but I think if you were doing the layer cake option you would have just enough
I let the oldest pipe the frosting on the cupcakes…he did ok, it is tricky if you are not used to it, which hand guides, which squeezes the bag…they look fine though.
We delivered to some of the neighbours and they loved them
There are slathered with cream cheese frosting, so you know how I feel about them
They have a great mix of the carrot and ginger flavour without being overpowering.
They are also not too dense or moist as some carrot cakes can be.
Kids liked them and were proud of their work
They did a great job!
Not a total catastrophe…
Totally Bakeable!