Old Fashion Berry Layer Cake

Oh cakes I love you… I have real success with cakes, even the trickier ones, I like getting creative with them and […]

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Classic Angel Food Cake (Chocolate Variation)

Ok, so this looks like a simple recipe as there are very few ingredients but it has over a dozen egg whites. […]

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Maple Walnut Cupcakes

We are trying a cupcake recipe today, tonight really I have a dedicated photographer on this one This looks to be a […]

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Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes

I am trying something new with this bake  The kids are going to make it  I am just going to photograph, they […]

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Yellow Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting

“A party without cake is just a meeting” – Julia Child  Truer words have never been spoken  I am a fan of cake – […]

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One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes and a Summer Sabbatical

Ok, Ok, I know it has been a lonooonnngggg time…but really who wants to bake when it is 30 degrees out and […]

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Lemon Curd Cake

May 17, 2019 Another day, another cake! So, in our family, between March 13 and May 22 there are 8 birthdays! 8! […]

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White Cupcakes With Strawberry Buttercream

May 6 2019         It is my eldest’s birthday tomorrow, he is going to be 12.  Where did that go? Anyhow, we are […]

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Dobos Torte

April 21 2019 It is Easter weekend and baking is in full swing around here Today I am tackling dessert for Easter […]

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Devil’s Food Cake with Mint Chocolate Ganache

April 12 2019 Ok kids buckle up as we dive into the latest bake. My mom was hosting a dinner party and […]

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