Fig Walnut Bread

So, there are only a few quick bread recipes left in the book and I don’t carry figs so I sent hubby […]

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Cranberry-Zucchini Muffins

Finally found some zucchinis and am ready to try this recipe I am substituting dried cranberries for fresh because quarantine people! Also […]

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Cherry-Streusel Coffee Cake

So, this was supposed to be and quick and simple reprieve to my somewhat disastrous Pear Spice Cake. Let’s just say best […]

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Spicy Cheese Biscuits

One of the things I have learned making my way through this book is that sometimes it is easier to make your […]

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Pear Spice Bundt Cake

This recipe is in the Simple Baked Goods section of the book. Hopefully it goes that way First up making syrup to […]

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Cream Cheese and Chive Biscuits

Cream cheese  Say it with me  Cream cheese.  I am a lover of cream cheese.  Cheesecake is one of my faves and adding it […]

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Classic Crumb Cake

I am feeling some comfort food.  It is another miserable day here and I found what looks to be quick and easy […]

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Currant Scones

Another day, another scone recipe.  There really are a tonne of scone and biscuit recipes in this book.  The nice thing is it makes […]

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Oat and Dried Apricot Scones

(Substitute Golden Raisins)  Have a helper with me today, it looks seemingly easy.  I don’t have apricots but I do have golden […]

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We are having a BBQ and serving ribs so it is only fitting to make cornbread.  I am not a fan of […]

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