Classic Pound Cake

May 23 2019 This is the first of three bakes that I am making for the party for my sister (plus some […]

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Blueberry Muffins

May 13 2019 Finally got some blueberries in the house so I can try Martha’s Blueberry Muffins This seems like an easy […]

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Buttermilk Biscuits (Cheddar)

May 9, 2019 Back to biscuits! I had a kid home with me today and am looking for a quick bake that […]

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Lemon Glazed Pound Cake

May 1 2019 Double bake day! I just made the brownies and honestly don’t want to share them when the kids come […]

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Fudgy Chocolate Brownies

May 1 2019 It is a brownie kinda day. It has been cold and rainy here for the last few days and […]

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Banana Nut Bread

April 17 2019 I have some overripe bananas and am looking for a quick bake, so this should do the trick. The […]

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Chocolate Scones

April 9, 2019 Ok, scones. These don’t look hard.  Kind of a cross between a cookie and a biscuit.  I have made […]

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Baking Powder Biscuits

April 8 2019 I have never made biscuits before.  Unless you count smacking the Pillsbury can on the counter and baking those […]

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Irish Soda Bread

March 17, 2019 Happy St Patrick’s Day! We like to celebrate St Patrick’s Day around here. The kids are on March Break […]

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Brown Sugar Pound Cake

March 6, 2019 I caved.  I bought another loaf pan. I didn’t want to, but there are too many recipes requiring two […]

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