Yeasted Baked Goods

Cinnamon Raisin Bread

March 9, 2019

So, I am trying bread.

I don’t have the greatest patience, ask anyone who knows me.

So, waiting for bread to rise is going to be difficult.

Waiting twice? We’ll see what happens.

I picked the Cinnamon Raisin Bread, well, because I need a reward after waiting for the dough to rise and I like cinnamon raisin bread.  It is more like cake.

I have the Super Heavy Duty Kitchen-Aid stand mixer.  The dough hook is metal, not plastic like most.  Its AWESOME!

I was a little concerned as it took a while for the ingredients to come together and start to pull from the sides. 

It was really sticky.  Once I got it on my floured surface and kneaded in the raisins and cinnamon, it looked just like the photo in the book.

Ok, I just did the second knead where I had to fold it a bunch.  It seemed ok and it smelled AMAZING! Now we wait some more.

Martha says to leave the dough in a warm place to rise or proof.  I have a proofing option on my oven, but I am also running the dishwasher right now and the counter always is warm so that is where we are rising!

I have made the filling and it smells so good!

Folding and rolling the filled dough was not hard at all – you know what is hard? Waiting another 30 minutes for another rise in the bread pan!

Ok they are finally in the oven and I cannot wait until this is done because my house smells so fricking good right now!

I had a little trouble getting one out of the pan but so far so good. 

I couldn’t wait and tried some – AWESOME!!!!  It will only get better as it cools.

See all that gooey goodness – that is the filling spilling over – it is sooooo good!

This only go better as it cooled. The bread has such a great texture, not too dense with just the right amount of chewiness.

I am a bread-maker!

This is now going in my arsenal!  It was not difficult at all!  And the result is totally worth it! 

We have been eating this as toast and just plain bread – the kids think it is cake! 

It has been sitting on the counter on a cutting board with the knife out and as you walk by you can’t help but take a slice…it calls to you!

Most definitely Bakeable!

(I hope the other bread recipes are as easy – fingers crossed!)


April 4, 2019 at 8:35 am

Wow… looks wonderful… and you get TWO!
..would be a great Easter morning treat 🙂

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