
Citrus Bars

Who doesn’t like a lemon bar?

When I saw these in the book, I thought it would be good for a party we were going to as it makes a lot

I already have my own lemon square recipe that is simple and really tasty, but I was open to these because they have lime in them as well

It seemed easy as it was quick crust, quick filling and bake

Well, this recipe looks basic but calls for wheat germ, really Martha wheat germ???

Who has wheat germ?? A trip to Bulk Barn gets me what I need, and I am off to the races

This recipe calls for pressing in the crust on an ungreased pan…boo! I am not confident in this coming out of the pan easily…it also looks like it should be good for you…like whole wheat bread vs white, you know what I mean???

Now I mix the filling, eggs, sugar, flour, lemons and limes

There is a ton of filling, it looks like it is going to overflow

I bake them and they look pretty good

After they have cooled, I cut and they are a pain to get out, they don’t really break but parchment would have been helpful.  The crust crumbled a lot and a good amount ended up left on the pan…I blame the wheat germ

They look good and they taste ok – they are a good bar but nothing to write home about

They are not anything close to my other recipe (which by the way is way easier and has cream cheese!!)

Not really worth the effort of finding the wheat germ, but still Bakeable.

Caramel-Nut Bars

October 3, 2021

Old Fashion Berry Layer Cake

October 12, 2021