Pies, Tarts, Cobblers and Crisps

Classic Apple Pie

March 14, 2019

It’s Pi Day or π day!

March 14 or 3.14 is Pi Day so I thought I would try one from the book today.

I have baked a few pies before so not expecting too much difficulty today.

I made the Pate Brisee in the food processor and it was a dream.  I actually made 2 batches so I am ready to go for the next recipe.

A quick side note, we are on March Break (Spring Break) here so all the kids are home and hubby is off too, so it is a little chaotic.

Add in that it was son #3’s birthday yesterday and one of his presents arrived today while baking, this was not a smooth bake for me.

I made the dough and made the filling.

That was pretty easy, but, with the chaos I didn’t read the recipe through first and had to wait an hour for the dough to chill, then another 30 mins once it was in the pie plate, then another 30 minutes in the freezer to firm.

So my quick afternoon pie bake became quite the marathon.

I also wanted to point out that Kelly Ripa made two of these for pi day and talked about it on her show. 

Specifically mentioning that it was from Martha’s Baking handbook.  She brought it up more for the fact that her son reminded her he needed pies at the last minute.  Like every parent running to Home Depot or Walmart at 9pm for those project supplies needed for the next day. 

But that is another post for another day!

The point is I was feeling good going into this bake.

Maybe too good.

 I smelled fantastic while it was baking.

I took it out of the oven and let it cool. 

It was underdone.

I put it in for the correct amount of time.  The top was perfect. The bottom and inside were not.

It wasn’t bad.  It was just really difficult to get out of the pie plate.  And the bottom wasn’t done, it was flimsy.

More of a inside out apple pie.

It tasted really good.

The next day I popped it back in the oven for 30 minutes and that helped.  And made my house smell amazing again. 

I think my disappointment was more with my execution than anything else. 

I really wasn’t as prepared as I like to be and the pie crust in and out of the fridge was tedious.  But really a rather easy bake.

Will absolutely make this again and just keep and eye on the baking time.

This pie you can leave on the counter for up to three days…we left the fork in the pie plate and had no trouble keeping to the timeline.

Absolutely bakeable!

Cinnamon Raisin Bread

April 2, 2019

Irish Soda Bread

April 9, 2019