Simple Baked Goods

Lemon Glazed Pound Cake

May 1 2019

Double bake day!

I just made the brownies and honestly don’t want to share them when the kids come home.

So, I am going to make lemon pound cakes.

Pound cakes are petty simple, so it is a good recipe for a double up day – I hope.

Full disclosure on this one, it calls for a cognac and apricot jam glaze…I don’t have either not do I care for either so I am omitting it. 

I may go rogue and come up with a lemon glaze on my own and only use to on one…because of course it is a two-pan recipe!

This recipe calls for sifting some dry and adding wet, mixing it all together

I was able to do this while the brownies were baking.  There is a reason why this is a “Simple Baked Good”

The batter comes out nicely and is ready for the oven as soon as the brownies come out

I have decided to go off book here and googled a Martha lemon glaze (basically lemon juice, icing sugar and some lemon zest). I made it and put it on one of the cakes after it cooled completely

It was a nice addition, but didn’t make it better than the other

The reviews on this were fantastic!

It has great lemon flavour and is a dense cake without being heavy.

Thumbs up from all the lemon lovers in our house – middle child does not like lemon and wanted more brownies.

We sent some across the street and they devoured it!

This one did not last long.

100% Bakeable