Minecraft Cakes

Two different kids, two different birthdays, same cake

So seven seems to be the year of Minecraft cakes.

My middle son asked for a Minecraft cake when he was seven (the top photo) and my youngest had a Minecraft birthday party with all his buddies this year when he turned seven.

I found it on Pinterest, and used that as a guide. I made these in the same way 9×13 chocolate cake from a box, a batch of Rice Krispie squares and a box of raspberry jello.

In the first one, I just made the cake, cut the shape and stacked it. Made the Rice Krispie squares to match the height, same with the Jello.

The second time I made the cake, I added an instant pudding and an extra egg to the box cake mix instructions – to make the cake more sturdy. I also used straws as dowels in the taller layers of the cake for more stability.

I also really cheated by using Rice Krispie squares from Costco, you can see that the heights don’t line up. The Jello process stayed the same.

The best part was that all the kids at the birthday party wanted Jello!