
One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes and a Summer Sabbatical

Ok, Ok, I know it has been a lonooonnngggg time…but really who wants to bake when it is 30 degrees out and the pool is a-calling.

So I guess I went on an unauthorized sabbatical from the blog this summer….there was still some baking going on (and some repeats) but no photo editing, no post editing, no social.  Mostly just hanging by the pool with my boys and having some well needed family time…it was pretty awesome!

But it is October and summer has been over for a bit and the kids are back in school so where have I been? 

Well hubby turns 40 this year and he decided he wanted a pool table for his birthday…it was always in the plan, we even designed our basement around it when we finished it a few years ago. 

So, we found one…a helluva lot sooner then we expected, and I needed to surrender my office/sewing room/ pretty space for the kids playroom so we could have our pool room ready ASAP!

I had five days before the pool table arrived, to sort, purge, condense, donate, reorganize – you name it! 

Truth be told it was kind of amazing!  I live for this kind of thing, I was in the zone!  But it took up all my time.

Now here we are ready to get back on the horse


One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes sound easy enough, but this is Martha we are talking about so who knows.

I am making these for my sister’s baby party along with others so there are not as many photos as I would like to have.

This is rather easy – dump all the ingredients into a bowl and mix…with my hand mixer, you don’t even need the big stand mixer

Scoop into cupcake liners and bake!

These were really good!

So far, I have to say Martha’s cakes are all amazing! Some take more effort than a box mix but have almost always been worth it.

These are not too sweet with a really nice cocoa flavour.

The texture was just right and held together nicely, easy to eat standing up

Will come back to these for sure Raves all around!

Totally Bakeable!

Note:  Since making these cupcakes I actually got a paying gig for them and a bunch of my other treats!  I will definitely post about that later because it was awesome!

Classic Pound Cake

July 26, 2019

Pizza Margherita

October 7, 2019