Chocolate Wafer Sandwich Cookies

Back to sweets!  The kids always ask me to bake something for an after-school snack and these cookies look to be a […]

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Chocolate Babkas

Chocolate Babka! Made famous by Seinfeld…well to me at least. Never really knew what a Babka was, and when I saw it […]

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Pizza Margherita

June 7 2019 Well, the kids are on a PA day today and hubby is out of town for work so I […]

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One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes and a Summer Sabbatical

Ok, Ok, I know it has been a lonooonnngggg time…but really who wants to bake when it is 30 degrees out and […]

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Classic Pound Cake

May 23 2019 This is the first of three bakes that I am making for the party for my sister (plus some […]

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Lemon Curd Cake

May 17, 2019 Another day, another cake! So, in our family, between March 13 and May 22 there are 8 birthdays! 8! […]

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Baker Burnout!

Well this happened! Hey Gang! I know I have been MIA for a while I have experienced what I like to call […]

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Parker House Rolls

May 15, 2019 Bread day! I am making Parker House Rolls. I looked them up because I had never heard of them […]

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Blueberry Muffins

May 13 2019 Finally got some blueberries in the house so I can try Martha’s Blueberry Muffins This seems like an easy […]

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Buttermilk Biscuits (Cheddar)

May 9, 2019 Back to biscuits! I had a kid home with me today and am looking for a quick bake that […]

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