Yeasted Baked Goods

Parker House Rolls

May 15, 2019

Bread day! I am making Parker House Rolls.

I looked them up because I had never heard of them before and they have an odd baking shape for bread.  They are rectangles and you fold them, and there is a lot of butter brushing. 

They are from the Parker House Hotel in Boston in the 1870s

There, history lesson over for the day

I am currently waiting for a bulk order of 2 yards of dirt to arrive in my driveway.

I figured if I got into a bake that required time and attention, the delivery would happen while making said bake.

Murphy’s law you never disappoint!

I just started with my yeast and sure enough ding-dong dirt delivery!!!

Well we are past the point of no return so let’s get at it!

Guys I think my yeast is dead

I bought the jar in an effort to be “cost-effective” and I think it is a goner.

Remember my trouble with brioche?

Well it didn’t really foam, I don’t think.

I followed the rest of the recipe to the letter and now we are proofing – in my oven because that feature is just awesome!

It has doubled nicely!

I punched it down and am waiting ten minutes for it to rest.

I have now rolled it to two 12×10 rectangles and am reading and re-reading the instructions – I am a little nervous about this step, there are lots of measurements

Wish me luck here I go…

This isn’t so bad, I am using my grid which is making it easier.  I am using a combination of rolling pin and pushing with my fingers to get the right dimensions.

I was able to get pretty close!

I used my pizza cutter to slice the dough and got the right dimensions, buttered them, folded them and placed them in the pan.

It didn’t look to bad and they were smaller than I expected, now they need to rise

I also had a few scraps that I threw onto a second tray and brushed with butter and baked along side the proper tray. 

Guys my house smells so god right now

I love bread!

Like Oprah loves bread. 

I am a starchy carb. I worked in a family bakery while in high school and am a bit of a bread snob and my kitchen smells like a proper bakery! It makes me so happy!!!!!

They look so good!  They have a great golden colour on top.

These were finished just as the kids came home – they each had 4!

They are light and fluffy and pillowy and buttery.

They are so good, and they were pretty easy too

These are fabulous buns

I will make these again for sure

Undeniably Bakeable

Blueberry Muffins

June 11, 2019

Baker Burnout!

July 23, 2019