Yeasted Baked Goods

Pizza Margherita

June 7 2019

Well, the kids are on a PA day today and hubby is out of town for work so I thought I would try pizza for dinner.

I am always wary about bread and yeast

I am never quite sure if it is foamy enough

This one seems to be going ok, and I have the time, so I am going to let it go for a few extra minutes and it gets nice and foamy

I get everything in the food processor…it seems really full, but I make it work roll it a few times and proof it in the oven.

I love this part… the punch down…relieving some frustration on this PA day

Back in the oven to proof some more

During the second proof I am going to make the sauce…now Martha provides a sauce but being the good little Italian girl that I am I have one that I am using instead.  It just has a few more ingredients than what Martha lists in the book and we have used it forever.

I also get our toppings prepared the kids only like cheese and pepperoni, so it is simple.

Now Martha suggests you get a peel – a giant wooden flat spatula type thing to move the pizza dough…I don’t have one so we are going to wing it. 

I do have a pizza stone so I will use it

I cut the dough in to quarters and press them out so the kids can top their own

It shaped nicely and was really easy to put the sauce and toppings on

I have never used the pizza stone before, and it shows… I didn’t slide them on properly and it burnt a little and there is s whole in the dough…fingers crossed!

Ready for the oven and now we wait.

This is so good…I mean have you ever really had bad pizza

It was so easy to make…the kids loved it!

I won’t buy pizza dough again!

Undeniably Bakeable!

Chocolate Babkas

February 22, 2020