Pies, Tarts, Cobblers and Crisps

Pumpkin Pie

April 28 2019

Sunday Funday!

We are having family dinner and I wanted to make a dessert. 

I blasted through three recipes last weekend and took a bit of a break this week and wanted to jump back in with something familiar.

As I have mentioned pumpkin is a big deal in our house, and after the Pumpkin Bread that didn’t really make the grade, I am hoping for a rebound on this one.

I had some pâte brisée I had made in the freezer, so step one was done.

This recipe does get a little Martha-y with the trim on the pie crust. She wants you to use the other half of the pate brisee recipe to make decorative squares for the edge of the crust

This is for family dinner and I don’t want to do that. My pie plate has a fancy enough edge trim. maybe if I was bringing it somewhere, but not this time.

I always have pumpkin puree on hand and my boys love pumpkin, so it was a good opportunity for a treat.

Pumpkin pie is not really difficult, especially when you have all the pumpkin fixings. 

This recipe is similar to others I have tried, but it was low on the spices. 

Normally, a pumpkin pie recipe will call for pumpkin pie spice or a mixture of allspice, clove, nutmeg and cinnamon.  This one only called for nutmeg and cinnamon

I thawed and rolled my crust. 

I had to blind bake the crust and while it cooled I mixed all the filling ingredients

I was also making dinner at this point and everyone has left for some reason and hubby needs to be home to start the potatoes on the bbq. I am feeling a little scattered and unfocused.

It is a good thing this is an easy recipe because it is starting to get chaotic around here – and it is just pie.

It is a basic pumpkin filling and it smells really good so that it is a good sign

While baking, the edges of the crust were starting to get a little dark before the centre was set, so I tried the foil trick…seriously how are you supposed to get the foil on just the outer edge??

I tried and failed, hubby even tried with little success and told me just to forget about it.

I am seeing a pattern in the baking times from this book – It will take longer!

I added 5 minutes at a time – but worth the wait!

I have to say that this is a delicious pumpkin pie, the flavouring is just right. 

It doesn’t try to be pumpkin pie or have that “pumpkin spice” flavor that can come across as imitation

It was subtle and was even better the next day, when it had a day to solidify further

This got two big thumbs up from all the pumpkin eaters in my house and lasted less than 36 hours

Absolutely bakeable!

Easter Pie

May 21, 2019