
Shortbread Fingers

March 5 2019

Oh Lord! Martha and her pans!

I have a pretty big selection of baking pans and cookie sheets. 

I have 3 giant cookie sheets that are the size of my oven rack, I use these the most.

I also have about 6 others that are all in the 12x15ish range. 

For cakes, I have 8-inch rounds, 9-inch rounds, some huge rounds from my grandmother, 9×13 cake pans…I even have a heart shaped cake pan for when the kids have their Valentines Day Cake raffle at school.

I DO NOT have a 12×8 cookie sheet.  Does anyone? It is small.  Go measure your smallest cookie sheet, I bet it is not even close to 12×8.

I needed to improvise as my smallest cookie sheet is 10 x 13ish.

I thought about using a 9×13 cake pan, but this recipe calls for spreading the dough across the bottom of the sheet.

So, I used my small cookie sheet and put a mini cupcake tin upside down beside it to create a “wall”, so it was the right size.

Alright, I have mentioned my mother’s lack of baking skills before.  There is one thing she can bake. 

Whipped shortbread. 

This has been her staple for as long as I can remember.  Only at Christmastime does she make these, and my sister eats most of them.  I think my mom likes to make these because you just sort of drop them on the sheet and bake them. 

My mom’s whipped shortbread is a really low effort cookie with a pretty good payoff.

So, when I see a shortbread recipe in this book I am not sold, but willing to give it a shot.  It is also a more crispy, more traditional shortbread.

The recipe looks simple and I am falling a little behind in my pace for bakes. 

The kids being home on so many snow days these past few weeks, have thrown a wrench in to my planning. 

I was looking for a quick and easy bake that I could crank out with ease.  This appeared to be it.

Once I have my pan situation figured out, I make the dough.  This is super simple, as it is butter, flour and powdered sugar.  I don’t even put on my apron, this is going so well.

It comes together simple enough but spreading it on the makeshift 12×8 cookie sheet is difficult.  It is almost tough, and hard to smooth out. 

After I manipulate it with my fingers I get it done and pop it in the oven.

In my grossly overstated confidence, I have forgotten to chill the dough in the pan for 15 minutes and prick it with a fork.

We shall see how this goes.

OK. Not bad.

They are not pretty, but it came out ok. 

One might say “rustic”

I transferred it to the cooling rack immediately and it was pretty soft.  I was able to cut the fingers as instructed.  My makeshift dimensions were 11×9, not bad.

I thought they tatsed pretty good, everyone else thought hey were amazing!

I find shortbread to be heavy and dense and prefer a lighter cookie.  These were really flaky and had good texture.

I will make these again simply due to the ease and availability of the ingredients in our pantry.  I may even try to seek out a proper 12×8 inch rimmed cookie sheet.

Undeniably Bakeable!

Cornmeal Drop Biscuits

March 20, 2019

Brown Sugar Pound Cake

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