Simple Baked Goods

Spicy Cheese Biscuits

One of the things I have learned making my way through this book is that sometimes it is easier to make your own, because they taste better than any store bought 

This is highly true of any of the biscuits in this book. 

I have made almost all of the scones and biscuits in the book so far and for how simple they are to make and I usually have everything on hand, my go-to will always be homemade. 

That is how this bake came to be today 

I was making chili for dinner and thought bread would be nice, but we were nowhere near enough time to make bread so I thought I would make a biscuit and these were still in the queue to be made, so here we go 

I substituted the cheese in this one as Martha calls for Manchego cheese, I googled a substitute and found a good Romano that I had will do 

So, I combine the dry, cut in the butter and then add the cream 

This came together easily and I broke them up into 12 instead of 10, because they were looking large 

I did not sprinkle extra paprika on top because I wanted the kids to eat them. 

They smell really good, nice Romano cheese aroma 

They tasted pretty good too, went nicely with the chili, the kids ate them no problem.

A good simple bake!


Cherry-Streusel Coffee Cake

August 20, 2021