Yeasted Baked Goods

Sugar Buns

This recipe uses half of the Danish Dough I made to make the Sticky Buns

Since I have the dough already made it should not be too difficult as half of the recipe is done

I spoke too soon, I have to make Pastry Cream

Now I have a Pinterest cheat for pastry cream that I have used for a while – it is instant pudding, milk and whipped cream

It tastes great and is really easy.  I use it in a lot of different tart recipes

This is not that simple but easy enough

I put the milk, sugar and vanilla – I use pure extract because vanilla bean is expensive and you know –  COVID – on the stove and gather my eggs sugar and cornstarch in a bowl

I bring the milk mixture to a simmer and add a quarter to the egg mixture to temper it

Once combined I put it back on the stove to thicken, then trasfer to my mixer to cool and add the butter

It tastes a little funny, like sweetened condensed milk.

Oh well now on to the sugar buns

I roll the dough out no problem and cut into 3×3 inch squares

I pipe a TABLESPOON (which appears to be way to much) on the dough

Now the fun part – bringing up the corners and wrapping into a ball

This does not go well. Brushing the egg is fine but it is really sloppy.

There is waaayyyy too much filling and I can’t get them to seal properly and trying to roll them into shape is a fool’s’ errand.

I turned them over so the seal was on the bottom and that seemed to help

I let them rise and all the good pastry cream filling was oozing all over the place

I put them in the oven and they smell really good but get a little too dark on the bottom.  I did leave them in a little longer as I put two trays in and rotated them.

Some of the bottoms are pretty burnt…oh well maybe the sugar coating will help.

I melt some butter and get a bowl full of sugar to roll them in

It goes well, but that’s a lot of sugar…think like a sugar twist donut

Time of truth…bottoms are overdone and the pastry cream was cooked…not a fan of that.

The pastry once again is amazing flaky texture and nice buttery flavour! The sugar is a little much

Moment of truth…kids thought they were ok

I wanted a pastry cream that was piped in after like a Boston Cream or jelly donut

Hubby liked them; he took them to work where they went fast

I think because I like this dough so much, I will try these again, but inject the baked bun with the filling rather than bake it and maybe sprinkle with sugar rather than roll it

All in all

Totally Bakeable!

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