The Project

Welcome to Bakeable!

Baking my way through Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook.

Here it goes…I wanted a project that would be challenging, but not so intimidating that I would not see it through.  I also wanted it to be fun.

Baking is natural to me. 

I enjoy it.  It soothes me.  It gets me out of my own head and I am pretty good at it. 

For as long as I can remember, I have been a fan of Martha Stewart.  She has got this domestic thing down.   

I kind of relate to Martha. 

She likes things the way she likes them, she takes pride in her work and can be a bit anal about things – Have you ever watched her daytime show with celebrity guests? You need to follow her instructions! She is not wrong!

Yes, I am in camp WWMD?

Except the whole jail thing…

When I am looking to try a new recipe, I always check to see how Martha does it.  Pies, cakes, cookies…I Google how she would do it and see if I could make it work.  Most often, it does.  Her recipes are not the simplest and do require some knowledge and effort. 

But I find with baking, what you put in is what you get out.

With Martha’s recipes you must put in the effort, whether it is time, ingredients or tools, but never have I been disappointed with the result – always been worth the effort.

Baking my way though a baking cookbook seemed like a great way to work on my hobby and have some fun while doing it.

I am hoping to tackle 1-2 bakes a week. So this doesn’t take an eternity.

This challenge includes a variety of baked goods, some I am familiar with, some scare the crap out of me (I am looking at you danish and puff pastry).

Over 170 recipes to go – with several more built in because, well, Martha.

Let’s dive right in and see how “bake-able” Martha is.